Based on Genesis 2:4b-25.
The first part of this passage talks about how God hadn't sent rain to earth yet, and how instead mists came up from the ground to water/nurture the grains and other plants. It, also, speaks of how there were no people to cultivate the crops and fields.
I'm sure it's this way to give a little background for things to come later on. It shows though, everything is done in God's time. Even when we don't always understand why it's done.
The passage goes on to say, in a little more details, how He created man. It's very humbling to think God went to all the trouble to form man by, what I would imagine to be His, hand in the ground. And, when He was done molding us, like we do sandcastles, He ,literally, breathed man to life.
Now, no matter what path in life you choose. Man will always have a tiny bit of God in them. I say this because, God still to this day "breathes" man to life.
Bringing man to life wasn't where He stopped. He ,also, planted, just for man, the Garden of Eden. God did this because He wanted man to be happy and safe.
The Bible goes on to describe the garden. How the Lord God planted the garden, and made ,all sorts of, trees grow. Trees that were beautiful and produced delicious fruit. In the middle of the garden, God planted the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
It talks about a river that watered the garden. The river divides into four branches. The last being the Euphrates. It is still known to this day.
From there it, the Bible, goes on to when the Lord placed man into the garden. It talks about the warning issued by Him, the Lord God. Warning man, he may eat from every tree, BUT the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Lest man DIE.
However, God noticed it wasn't good for man to be alone. So, He set out to make a helper for man. One just right for him. Starting with the wild animals and birds of the sky. He brought them to the man. To let him decide what they should be called.
Man gave names to all the livestock, all the birds of the sky, and all the wild animals. Yet, there was still no helper right for the man. God caused man to sleep. So, He could make man his helper. One just right for him.
While the man slept God took out one of Adam's ribs, and closed the opening. God, then, made a woman out of the rib. He brought her to the man, Adam, when He was finished.
Adam was glad, at last he had a helper that was just right for him. The man explained how the woman was just right. By saying, "This one is bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh! She will be called 'woman', because she was taken from 'man'."
It was because of this. A man leaves his parents and is joined to his wife. So, the two can be united in one. I believe God put this idea and explanation early on in the Bible, so there could be no second guessing it. It clearly states, a man and a woman would be joined as spouses in one family unit. They were to start at that point on their own. It doesn't mean they were to love or honor their parents less. Just, they need to now support and draw strength from one another first. Plus, they would live by themselves, without their parents.
The last verse says that then man and his wife, were both naked, but they felt no shame. This verse goes to show how much has changed because of Sin. I mean, how many people can say ,in all honesty, they haven't, at least once, felt ashamed to be naked in front of their spouse, doctor, parents, or themselves. God created us in the beginning to be naked, and to be okay with being that way. We should remember that, when we start to feel, overly, ashamed. However, that is NOT an excuse to be naked all the time now. It is, though, a reason to not dread being seen naked by one's self, spouse, doctor, or parent.