Saturday, March 31, 2012

In the Dark...

How many times do you have to stumble around in the dark before you hit something to guide you out?? I don't know, but I sure wish God would lead me to life's coffee table. I don't even care about the stubbed toe.  I know God's timing is perfect, and that He always has a plan.. So, why does it seem that for my life He's hit the proverbial brick wall??
               It's been almost 3 years since we've moved in with Parent 2, and things just seem to get worse. Not that we (Parent 1, Sib. A, and I) haven't tried to make things better. Something needs to give soon or else I fear all kinds of bad things will break loose.
                God, we sure could use your direction. Please, show us what it is You would have us do. Open up the way for us to go, and do what You want us to do! Give us your loving Guidance. In Jesus' holy name, Amen! 

 ~ Lost sheep :(


Thursday, March 29, 2012


I was in the shower tonight, and I was humming a song in my head... It took me about 5 minutes to realize what song... It was "Are you washed in the Blood?".  Once I recognized the song,  I just couldn't stop thinking about what the words to the little part I was humming meant..

 ".. Are you washed in the Blood? In the soul cleansing Blood of the Lamb? Are your garmets spotless? Are they white as snow?? Are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb?"

I know that I've been washed. Have you??

~ Just call me Snow White! :) 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh, how I loath thee.

Sleep. Isn't my friend. It's however true to the saying "sleep is hard to come by". For me it really is. I know I've had trouble with insomnia. Tonight, however, is not caused by that. My sleepless night is cause by.. (dun dun dun).. biking 45 minutes and going approx. 16 miles.. Not good for the sleep.. Why? You ask.. I'll tell you why. It causes your body to be really sore.. unless you routinely put yourself through that torture.

Hoping to sleep sometime tonight!

Friday, March 23, 2012

A first..

As the title says... This is a first... What do I mean by that?? Well, this is my first post from my new laptop. It's so nice to have all the keys work!
 So, what I've written above this is really all I wanted to say! See you later.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Momma Mia... YAY!!

So, I get to go to Momma Mia with my Tante on Sunday!! It's going to be a blast, and I'm really looking forward to it. The only draw back... is Parent 1 is sick (still), and they've been really needing my help to do a few things the doc's are having them do. Oh well.. it's just a day or so!! Write more later! :P

Monday, March 5, 2012

Healthy...or maybe not!

Have you ever wondered why people in your life become sick? I have, quite frequently too. God seems to like giving me opportunities to help people in my life and around me that have become sick or feel sick in their emotions. I've really been thinking about it in the last few days because Parent 1 is sick. We (meaning Parent 1 and I) think it's a yeast infection.. or maybe a staff infection.. or something like that. I ask that you pray for them. It's causing a ton of pain. It's in a sensitive part of the body (i.e. their genitals). I truly pray that it heals quickly. Parent 1 has been through so much. I've often times been amazed that P1 (aka. Parent 1) is as strong has they've been. If half the things happened to me I'd probably be down for the count in self-pity, but through everything they've been true to the Lord, and stayed faithful. I know there have been moments of doubt, and questioning, but even then, they've stayed in the Lord. I've truly been Blessed to have them in my life. 

 Dear God,
  I just lift up P1 to you. So, You can heal them. I pray that whatever this health scare is that You make it go away never to return. I pray that we all would be able to be health for You and in You! That we would all come to you to be healed. Whether, physically or spiritually healed. I know that if you willed it. IT would happen. So, I ask you as your daughter, though I've no right to, that you would heal us and lift this burden from us. I'm just now starting to figure out what it means to be faithful to You and in You. I realize that it's a little late in the game, but I no you don't count it out. Not yet! I pray that this could be my turning point. I know that my progress with probably be slow, but I'm going to keep going. Just like the turtle, slow yet steady... after all.. they won the race in the end. I know that I've asked a lot here.. but I also know that it's not to much for you. In closing, I just want you to know... I love you and I know You're the ultimate Healer and Friend. So, thank you for being my ever listening, ever loving, ever watchful....Friend and Father!!
 In Jesus' name....


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