Monday, April 16, 2012

Honest Abe...I wish~

Why is it that whenever people make fun or inflate the little things of other religions it's seen as not okay, but when it's Christianity it's okay? It's not. If you can't make fun or exaggerate things for other religions then you can't with Christians either. How is that "politically correct"?? Someone out there tell me. Please? I just can't understand it. Maybe, it's because I am a Christian. Or maybe it's because it really is wrong. No matter what though us Christians need to stop just excepting it as okay because some "trumped up" politicians and media personnel's think that it makes good TV and good foreign relations. This country was made on biblical principles.  How would our Founding Fathers and those who wrote our Declaration of Independence and all those who've given their lives feel about us abusing or even letting others abuse what they fought so hard for? I think they'd be hurt and discouraged. I know I would if someone did that to my accomplishments and hard-work. It's like we're taking everything they've done for granted. We don't even teach or remember their life's right. We keep letting our history be changed by whoever wants to use it to make their movements and their laws seem correct. When really, the laws put down by our Fore-Fathers and the generation that came after was right all along. It's not that hard to understand the laws and the amendments that they made were so clear. They put thought and reasons into those rules. Why? They wanted their country, our country, to be something to be proud of. The way things are today in this generation... I feel ashamed to be living here. It's not fair what's become of this once truly magnificent, honest, noble, brave, forward thinking, majestic, and honor bound country. The country of the past is the country that should be the base of what the future of this country should be. Not this everything must be "politically correct" and "everything in balance" nonsense. There is no such thing as "politically correct". It's either right, or it's wrong. Everyone can't be right. Every religion can't be the true religion.

Well, I've said my piece... Time to get off my soapbox for  a little while.
~Frustrated with Politicians..... Wish Abraham Lincoln, Paul Revere, Thomas Jefferson, and Martin Luther were alive still..

Monday, April 2, 2012

Work Out...

Is a pain. It leaves you sore and ache-y! I like how my body is feeling a few days (sometimes hours) after my tough work outs, but the day (and hours) right after... Suck! I know I'm doing this for a good reason, but sometime it really doesn't seem like my reason and the aches equal out.  Oh well, I need to do the work outs to be healthy. I've been over-weight and unhealthy for a few years. Thankfully this year is turning out to be a good time for me to get good health again!

 ~ On-The-Way-To-Healthy!


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