Wednesday, January 26, 2011

2:08 am Ramblings!

I just read a letter that an old friend of mine wrote to their mom, who had an affair and walked out on God, it was very touching. It showed me that no matter what happens in our lives as long as we trust God with all our hearts we can heal and start anew, but that if we let it fester it's just going to get worse and worse. I truly hope that there was closer for both of my friends, the mom and the daughter, but most of all I hope that they get a closer relationship with Christ out of all the hear-ache and pain that has happened.

So... I know it's been a little while since I've last posted, the reason is... I should have never given this out to all of my friends/family... It's just a bad idea.. I now know this anyways. I had hoped that it would all be okay, but I guess not. It's all better now though. For the most part that is! I can't wait to get back to writing everyday! I missed it... Although... Playing the PC games has been tons of fun.. I highly recommend Heroes of Hellas for all of you out there! It's tons of fun. But probably only for those who like puzzles and logic! Yep... That's what I've been doing instead of  writing! Anyhow, I gotta go now! Sleep well, and have a Blessed rest of the week!!  P.S. You should all check out Proverbs 18:24.... Why? Because then you'd at least know one part...tiny though it is....of my schooling! LOL!! XD!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Start of week 2!!

Looking forward to this upcoming week. It's the start of a new routine! Why? Because this week should be normal week for us. Such fun! Well, I'm tired...So... Night all!

Ah... Friends...Maybe!

 I'm writing this right after putting the web address somewhere my friends and family can get to it! So....

                  Welcome, Friends and Family, to my blog! Where you can enjoy all my thoughts. About anything... Literally anything! It really depends on my mood when I start writing.. also when I am writing.. If it seems all over the place... It's because it is! :P But.. you'd not have me any other way! Although if you did want me another way let me know... So I can delete you and avoid you from now on.. Yep, that's what I thought! You wouldn't be able to think of me  any other way than I am right now. Unless of course you knew  me as I was growing up.. In  which case... I ask you don't spread the blackmail around to the Newbies of my life! Jk.. though seriously I want those pics back... You know who you are! Anyways... Welcome once again! Please comment tell me what you think... Even if it's just that I'm crazy.. Though... I already knew that!! =D

Well, now that the welcome is out of the way... I can go! Write more later!! Hugs~Feel the Love! <3<3<3

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I'm Bored!

 I'm bored! So I'm going to bug you all!! I had a fun day so far!! I spent a lot of my time with Parent 1. We went to lunch! It was so yummy! We're starting a Lacto- Ovo diet! It's a type of Vegetarian diet! Yummy! Veggies here we come! Can't wait till we move out of Parent 2's house, and into our own place. But before we can do that Parent 1 has to learn Spanish and Get a job!! Hopefully we can be out of here in the next 6 months or so!! If not... Well, these post will get even more entertaining! Gotta go! I have to shower now... Or else I won't get a chance till tomorrow night! Not good. Since we have church in the morning!! Can't wait. I missed the Thursday night stuff. So this is the first time in a little while that I'll get to see my new friends!! Okay...  BYE!!!!!!


1st week of school! I made it out alive... Just barely, but I did it! Now... I gotta go.. I'm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Uh Huh! Bye!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Today...Or yesterday!

It totally sucked. I severely dislike our washer and dryer. Nough Said!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

On a roll..

Yay! I'm on a roll. Third post in as many days! Hopefully, I can keep this up! It's nice to be able to write about stuff that has happened, or my feeling, or anything else! Yep, I'm truly grateful that Parent 1suggested I start this blog! You should all know though that my keyboard doesn't always work.. So, there may be spelling or grammar issues that don't stem from the fact that I'm still learning my stuff in English, Spelling, and Grammar. Although, I guess that's all a part of English. Instead of three different things! Oh well! Doesn't really matter!

  Today was the first time in a long time that all of mine and Sibling B's homework/schoolwork was done within just a couple of hours. Instead of the 4-6 that it usually takes! Which if you think about it from a School kid's point of view isn't a lot, but for most Home-Schooled kids it is! But I'm not getting into that! I think we'll probably keep going to the Library to do our work. Now that Parent 1 has seen how much quicker we can be in a quiet, book filled environment. Instead of our usual Fast Food joint that we normally use... Which does work most days, but where we normally go has been full of students on lunch break from their classes that it's been so loud that we just can't concentrate! Oh well! Live and Learn as they say! Live and Learn!

   I really dislike that I keep staying up this late. I want to start going to bed earlier, but I don't think it'll work. I sleep out in the Living Room, and people just don't respect the fact that now with school started back up that I can't stay up and wait for them to be finished out there before going to sleep. Neither can I go to bed with them out there! I dislike going to bed where other people are awake and can watch me sleeping... It creeps me out!  But, like I said my siblings and parent ( Just Parent 2, not Parent 1) won't let me go to bed when I want to. I have to wait for them to be finished watching their shows or playing their game before I can go to sleep! It totally sucks. But there's not much I can do about it until Parent 1 gets a job and me, Sibling B, and Parent 1 can move out! It'll be so much better than!

   Any ways, It's late and I  have school in the morning! Write  more tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Senior Year... Day 2!

So, I'm just gonna skip the whole getting to know you phase, and just write stuff as it happened. Instead of trying to catch up to the here and now, and losing what's been happening here to get the info from the past... (Yep, I just had a Harry Potter flash... Gotta love Trelawney!!) So.. Any ways.. It's the night after the 2nd day of my Senior year in High School... Yes, my school year starts in January!! I love it! Although, we don't really get a "Summer Break", because we school from January- November... We have a "Fall Break" that's about 2 months long though.. So, it all works out in the end!! :)
    Well, as I was saying before.. Today was my 2nd day. It's been hard to get back into doing schoolwork again. Mainly because of the tediousness of all the writing involved.. I wonder if there's always been this much writing involved?? Hm.. Something to ponder! I do like my subjects though!! I have English... Which is fun...  I was doing stuff about " Oregon Trails" today... I've done a lot about that book in my schooling so far... I'm kinda starting to be annoyed by it! Moving on... I also have History... I so love it!! My favorite historical figure is Paul Revere!! Everyone should be made to do a history paper on him.. At least... I think they should! Um.. I also have Biology... Oh, how I loathe thee! This is my third try at it!! It Sucks!!! I vehemently think that it should only be taught in College!! lol =P.. Kidding, though truthfully this year I think it will go better.. We're trying out a new curriculum for it! Which seems to explain it the way I need for it to click! My last subject for right now, (we're waiting for my Parent 1 to be able to afford to get more books to get the rest) is Algebra 1.. I'm trying to like thee! But it's just so hard!  I'm of the opinion that the alphabet and the numbers should be kept separate always!! It make my head hurt now that they're in cahoots with each other! Although my Parent 1 says that if I would just write out all the steps without trying to do it all in my head. It wouldn't hurt as much.. After today and doing it their way.. I have to agree.. So for all you out there trying to do Algebra in you head.. Stop! Use the paper, and write out all the steps! So, much better for you head! Less  time consuming too!!

     Well... It's late, and I'm exhausted! Because like I said it's the 2nd day of school, and my brain is having trouble catching up with all the work being thrown it's way after a 2 month break! I feel sorry for those of you out there that have 3 months during the summer! It must suck to have to jump back into all that work! I'm going to go to bed now.. I keep rambling today... Don't know why! =/ Oh well! Peace out! Sleep well, and Don't let the bed bugs bite! Although, If you'd just wash the sheets every couple of days.. You wouldn't have bed bugs... So, if you do get bitten... It's your fault for being a lazy bug.. or person.. =P! Hugs!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Intro 101

I am starting this blog as a way for me to vent about my life! I'm sure that's why a lot of people start blogs. It seems to be a good choice! So, now that you know why I started this I may as well get right to it!

Life right now is such a dysfunctional thing! My whole family is living together... In one house. Not a good thing. For most people I'm sure it's a great way to live, but not for us. My parental units are divorced for starters... I totally agree that this is the right choice for us, and them, but I also acknowledge that for most people you should just try to work out your problems! Any who... As I was saying we're all living in this house together... Me, Sibling A, Sibling B, Parent 1, and Parent 2.. It's not a good thing. But for now it'll have to do. I really dislike my Parent2, but I guess you just have to deal sometimes. I really hope we can move out soon, or otherwise we're totally going to show up on the news at one point for killing one another! Yes, It's almost to that point. It wouldn't be so bad if Parent 2 moved to Phoenix, or if he got hit by a car!! But because we have to deal with them a lot.. All of our emotions are so thin right now we jump down throats or start sobbing or laughing depending on what's been said or done by each other. Not a good way to live... Well, I'll leave off here for right now.. I have to get used to writing before I get into to much more! =P Write more Tomorrow! 


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